15 May : A bit ‘meh’

  • US stock market had an uneventful day with little change in major indices
  • Chinese tech stocks and defense contractors were hit hard due to debt ceiling debate
  • Tesla stock was down 2.4% after raising prices in the US for the third time in a month
  • First Solar was the biggest gainer in S&P 500, up 26.5%, due to additional tax credits for clean energy manufacturers who source components from the US
  • Music streaming services are facing challenges from AI-generated fake songs and click factories
  • Most Asian stock markets made modest gains, with utilities and consumer staples performing well
  • Lady R debacle has been de-escalated, and South Africa’s neutrality on Ukraine could provide some leverage in upcoming summits
  • Market is uncertain, and investors are looking for safe places to invest

Information correct at time of publishing. It is important to conduct thorough research and analysis using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis techniques to make informed trading decisions. Additionally, consider your risk tolerance, investment objectives, and time horizon when assessing company performance for trading.

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