23 Feb : All about the budget

Key takeaways

  • Eskom’s cash flows improve as National Treasury provides R254bn of debt relief over the MTEF period, allowing for more maintenance and diesel.
  • Tax incentives for households and corporates amount to R4bn and R5bn, respectively.
  • Tax relief is provided through adjustment of tax brackets.
  • Expenditure is targeted with social grants adjusted for inflation.
  • A primary surplus of 0.1% of GDP is recorded in F23, a year ahead of target. Accounting changes to deal with Eskom’s financial assistance will keep the primary balance in surplus, in coming fiscal years.
  • Risks to fiscal consolidation are provided through the primary surplus and contingency/unallocated reserves in the outer years. Upside risks to expenditure in F24 are likely to see the main budget deficit closer to 5.0% of GDP than the 4.4% projection.
  • Gross debt to GDP rises by 3.6% to 73.6% in F26, owing to Eskom’s financial assistance but risks are to the upside.
  • Financing of the FY24 budget deficit:  The supply of T-bills rise, with a net increase of R48.0bn; cash balances are rundown by R93.3bn and cash raised from ILBs, SAGBs, FRN and a new rand Sukuk bond is targeted at R329.9bn from R310.9bn. A sens announcement will be released on 23 February. We think the size of the SAGB auctions could remain unchanged but will likely be raised in the October 2023 MTBPS.  
Information correct at time of publishing. It is important to conduct thorough research and analysis using a combination of fundamental and technical analysis techniques to make informed trading decisions.

Additionally, consider your risk tolerance, investment objectives, and time horizon when assessing company performance for trading. This content is not meant as financial advice.
Picture of Tinus Rautenbach

Tinus Rautenbach

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