The below illustrates an example of how the spread fees on a trade work, using a maximum of 20 basis points (0.2%):
Variables | Formula | Amounts |
Trade Price | (A) | R 150.00 |
Spread applied | (B) | 0.20% |
Trade Cost | (C = A*(1+B)) | R 150.30 |
Number of shares being purchased | (D) | 1 000 |
Total Trade Cost in Full | (C*D) | R 150 300.00 |
Amount paid to Clarity | ((C-A)*D) | R 300.00 |
The below illustrates an example of how the spread fees on FX works, using 50 basis points (0.5%):
Variables | Formula | Amounts |
ZAR to exchange | (A) | R 1 000.00 |
Spot FX Rate (ZAR:USD) (Example) | (B) | 18.90 |
Spread applied to the FX rate | (C) | 0.50% |
FX Rate used for conversion (ZAR:USD) | (D = B*(1+C)) | 18.99 |
USD received by customer | (E=A/D) | $ 52.65 |
USD at spot FX rate | (F=A/B) | $ 52.91 |
Amount paid to Clarity | ((F-E)*D) | R 5.00 |
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