Now that you’ve covered the basics, it’s time to develop and implement your trading strategy based on your goals and risk tolerance.
Step 1:
Decide which markets you want to trade. You can focus on stocks, bonds or currencies or any combination of the three options to potentially profit from price movements in these assets.
Step 2:
Analyse the markets to pick your trades. Use market and technical analysis to make informed decisions about which global stocks, bonds or currencies offer the best potential for returns.
Step 3:
Pick your trading style. Use your analysis to decide when to enter and exit your positions. High-frequency day trading aims to speculate on short-term price movements as you buy and sell on the same day. A swing or position trade will hold a position for days, weeks and even months to potentially profit from longer-term trends.
Step 4:
Download the Clarity app or sign-up now. Follow the simple instructions and you’re ready to start your independent investment journey. We’ve created a helpful online resource to guide you.
Step 5:
Deposit funds into your trading account and lock in those trades via the user-friendly interface to start your trading adventure.
Step 6:
Keep an eye on the latest market news and indicators and any political-economic announcements to track trends that support your trading strategy and positions or identify potential risks and developments that could affect the outcome of your trades.
Never stop learning.
Keep reading and researching.
Make notes about your investment decisions as you progress on your journey.
These steps will help you learn and improve your trading skills and improve your potential for success.